4 Foods That Actually Clean Your Teeth

Foods that actually clean your teeth

It’s no secret that overindulging in sugary snacks can take a toll on your oral health. Cavity-causing bacteria in your mouth love to feed on the residue left behind by foods high in sugars and starches.

A balanced, nutritious diet that’s high in vitamins and minerals promotes healthy teeth and gums. Along with a thorough home oral care routine and regular dental cleanings, the food you eat can make a big difference when it comes to your smile.

At Gables Sedation Dentistry, our team of trained professionals provide quality general and sedation dental care in Miami, Florida. Today, let’s look at four types of food that aren’t just good for you, but also help to clean your teeth and prevent oral health issues.

1. Fresh vegetables

Crunchy, fibrous vegetables such as celery and carrots can clean the surfaces of your teeth while you chew. Their high water content stimulates saliva production, washing away bacteria and leftover food particles.

Fresh veggies also contain vitamins and minerals essential for a healthy smile. Leafy greens like kale and spinach come packed with calcium, folic acid, and vitamin K,  all of which help keep your teeth strong.

2. Fresh fruit

Crisp, fresh fruits clean your teeth in a similar way to vegetables. Pears are great teeth-cleaners due to their crunchy texture and low acid content, even though acidic fruits aren’t necessarily bad for your teeth.

Malic acid, found in apples, strawberries, and watermelon, can increase saliva flow and may even have a whitening effect. Stay well hydrated to neutralize excess acidity and protect tooth enamel.

3. Nuts

Most varieties of nuts are high in vitamin D and calcium. Walnuts contain a wide range of vitamins and minerals that benefit teeth, including iron, folic acid, and vitamin B6. Almonds, cashews, and Brazil nuts help to combat cavities and tooth decay.

4. Cheese, yogurt, and milk

Dairy products provide the calcium that your body needs to keep all of your bones healthy, including your teeth. Cheese and milk contain phosphates, which balance your mouth’s pH level to prevent enamel erosion and tooth decay.

Casein, a protein found in cheese, can help to restore and strengthen your tooth enamel. Yogurt is not only full of calcium, vitamins, and minerals, it also contains probiotics which fight bacteria that cause cavities, gum disease, and bad breath.

Keep your teeth healthy and clean

A healthy diet has major benefits for your smile in conjunction with a strong  oral hygiene routine and twice-yearly dental checkups.

Gables Sedation Dentistry offers a range of sedation options to facilitate a painless, stress-free visit to ensure your teeth get the care they need. Call our Miami, Florida, office or make an appointment online today.
