5 Reasons Behind Teeth Tingle

5 Reasons Behind Teeth Tingle

Tingling teeth is something that can occur for many different reasons. However, tooth sensitivity is not necessarily the same thing. You see, when you notice that you have a tooth tingle it could be due to your dental nerves responding to hot, cold, or other stimuli. It could also be a range of causes due to your lifestyle, environment, and events that happen during different stages of life.

What is The Reason Behind My Tingling Teeth?

The most important step in stopping the pain of tooth tingles is finding out what the cause is. A tooth tingle can be the reason for irritation or even severe pain that lasts all day long.

5 Reasons Your Teeth Tingle (and how to stop it)

1. Pulpitis

This is a dental problem that is commonly referred to as a toothache. Usually as a result of chronic inflammation, dental pulp becomes irritated and if left untreated by a dentist, the problem may also affect nearby connective tissues and cells deeper inside your dental cavity.

When dental pulp becomes irritated, eating can cause tingling teeth or sensitivity to hot and cold foods. For this reason, people suffering from pulpitis may take over-the-counter painkillers to reduce the pain until they can schedule a dentist appointment for an x-ray. Your dentist may, then, try to reverse the pulpitis with a filling and a prescription.

2. Enamel Damage

There are many foods and beverages that can breakdown the top surface of your teeth. This hard substance known as enamel is responsible for protecting the crown of every tooth in your mouth. Over time, your bite may suffer due to a loss of this protective layer from consuming acidic foods, sugary beverages, processed foods, and other irritants like hard toothbrushes.

After damaging your tooth enamel tingling teeth is much more likely, however, it is very difficult for a dentist to restore the enamel once it is destroyed. So, the best recommendation from the ADA (American Dental Association) is to use soft-bristled toothbrushes and rinse your mouth after eating and drinking sugary beverages.

3. Grinding & Tonguing

It is very common for people to suffer from stress during the day that lasts into the night. Oftentimes, this stress can last for weeks or even months. Known as chronic stress, it can cause a variety of other health problems including teeth grinding and tonguing, weight gain, and a loss of restful sleep.

Tooth tingles can also result after tooth grinding or tonguing becomes habitual. Many times your dentist can help you find a way to reduce teeth clenching and other symptoms of chronic stress. This may include wearing a mouth guard, implementing relaxation techniques and deep breathing exercises, and even holistic lifestyle changes like eating superfoods and creating and maintaining light exercise routines.

4. Receding Gumline

When you suffer from stress-related teeth grinding, tonguing, and jaw clenching, it could lead to a receding gum line. Talk to your dentist about the reasons behind gum recession and discuss ways to stop tingling teeth.

It is important to talk to your dentist about preventative strategies for tooth tingles as a result of gum recession. Over time, if left untreated, gum recession can lead to bacteria buildup, increased tooth sensitivity, and even severe dental pain.

Talk to a hygienist at regular dental cleaning appointments about how to remove plaque, tartar, and ask for some tips to improve your oral care routine. Addressing the root cause of your receding gum line can stop plaque buildup and reduce your risk of experiencing more teeth tingling in the future.

5. Dental Visits

You may not realize that visiting the dentist may actually be a reason that your teeth increase in sensitivity. In fact, the tooth can be sensitive after you visit the dentist for general cleaning, professional filling, root canal, crown replacement, or restorative procedure.

If you suffer from tingling teeth it may not only irritate your mouth, but it could also cause additional health problems. If you feel that your teeth tingle, call your dentist to schedule an appointment immediately. The sooner you discuss preventive strategies for tooth tingles – the better.
