Does Deep Dental Cleaning Hurt?

does deep dental cleaning hurt?

Many people do not look forward to going to the dentist because they are worried about the procedures they need will be painful. However, there is no need to avoid proper dental care because of teeth hurting after cleaning. In fact, many people go to the dentist office just to get a deep cleaning. But, if you are wondering, “Does deep cleaning your teeth hurt?” the answer may surprise you.

While some of the most severe cases of dental plaque buildup, dental decay, and tooth damage require deep cleaning, not all of them will hurt. In fact, most people who get a deep cleaning treatment report just the opposite. Commonly, patients are able to experience a sense of vitality and health after cleaning because of these most common results of dental deep cleaning procedures:

  • Healthy teeth & gums
  • Cleaner mouth
  • Fresh breath
  • Less plaque buildup
  • Lower risk of gum disease
  • Reduced risk of heart disease
  • Less worry about dental deep cleaning
  • Energized, radiant mouth
  • Whiter smile

Do I Need a Deep Cleaning?

Over time, proper dental care can fall by the wayside on your list of priorities, and thus, a deep cleaning may be required. In contrast to regular cleaning, deep dental cleanings are more commonly needed when you do not keep up with your regular dental appointments. For this reason, many people worry that a deep cleaning appointment at the dentist office will be painful.

However, there is no reason to avoid regular dental cleanings because the deep cleaning procedure is not painful. Most patients who need a deep cleaning treatment only report discomfort after cleaning, even if it is a deep treatment.

If you do notice pain, simply tell your dentist, and they can stop the cleaning to apply a local anesthetic. Keeping this in mind can help you be sure to get the deep dental cleanings you need, when you need them, without any fear of pain you cannot tolerate.

Does Deep Cleaning Hurt?

Deep cleaning is the type of dental procedure designed to do more for your mouth. If you are able to keep up with your regular dental appointments, it should be relatively easy to prevent damage to your teeth caused by improper, or irregular dental care. However, even with proper dental care cavities, decay, and severe damage that requires a root canal or extraction may still be required.

Many people commonly wonder if they should worry about deep cleaning causing pain. But, the reality of undergoing a deep cleaning dental treatment is that the pain should not concern you. In fact, patients who have routine dental cleanings may never require a more comprehensive procedure like deep cleaning, unless they desire one.

Should I be Worried About My Teeth Hurting After Cleaning?

You may be avoiding the dentists’ office because you are afraid of teeth hurting after cleaning treatments. But don’tbe! Scaling and root planing are two parts of the dental deep cleaning process, however, for most people, pain is not experienced. While some people report a small amount of pain with deep cleaning procedures needed to address dental disease, gum problems, or bone disorders of the mouth, pain is not common.

Treating Yourself to a Deeper Clean

The reason most people worry about dental cleaning procedures is because they require more invasive methods of restoring dental health. Do not let the worry of pain caused by deep dental cleaning treatments stop you from enjoying them. Consider them as a self-care special treatment just for you! You may learn to love them so much that you schedule a deep dental cleaning once every year – without fear.

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