Does Getting a Dental Crown Hurt?

Does Getting a Dental Crown Hurt?

Oral health is something that you maintain over time, but many people visit the dentist for a dental crown early in adulthood. Normally, getting a crown is a painless procedure, however, for some people, the amount of pain is more than moderate. People who suffer from pain from a dental crown application or notice uncomfortable changes in their bite could need another appointment.

There is no reason to be afraid of the pain caused by a dental crown because, usually, the procedure does not hurt. If you choose to have a local anesthetic, it may even be a completely pain-free experience, described only as “uncomfortable during application,” as it is, according to most patients.

There is no need to fear your dentist, but if you are still nervous about setting the appointment to get a dental crown, here are a few thoughts to ease your mind. Then, when you are ready, call Gables Sedation Dentistry to schedule an appointment.

Does Getting a Crown Hurt?

If you need to get a crown put on your tooth, you may wonder, “Do dental crowns hurt?” During the procedure, it is common for people to report a small amount of pain or discomfort, however, after the crown is on, many people are not sensitive. There are some patients who report these most common reasons for dental crown pain:

  • Wrong Fit

If the crown isn’t set just right, your bite may create an imbalance on the surface of your teeth. Even the smallest changes, like a place that is too high or too low, can interfere with your bite and chewing comfort. If you experience pain when you bite after getting a grown applied, call your dentist as soon as possible.

  • Inflammation

During the healing process, your nerve tissue under the tooth may become inflamed. If your teeth become damaged, exposure to bacteria may also occur, causing even more pain and tenderness, swelling, bad breath, and even a dental abscess. If you notice any of these signs of inflamed dental pulp, call your dentist to have it removed, immediately.

  • Sore Tissue

It is common for a new dental crown to cause a small amount of discomfort as you get used to the new surface of your bite. However, if you notice that taking over-the-counter pain medications, like ibuprofen, does not stop the pain, you may need to talk to your dentist about resurfacing the crown to ease the pain.

  • Teeth Grinding

Bruxism is another name for teeth grinding, and you may be doing it without even noticing. Some people cause damage to their bite by teeth grinding during the day, at night, or even while they sleep, and it can seriously irritate your teeth. Known to also destroy a new crown, teeth grinding could be a reason for pain after a dental procedure.

Getting a Dental Crown: Is This Going to Hurt?

To answer the question do dental crowns hurt, well, the truth is that many people go through the dental procedure without suffering from any severe pain. However, some people say that the procedure of receiving a dental crown is unusually uncomfortable or painful. For this reason, you may need to make additional appointments for follow-up care as necessary.

Talking to a Professional With Experience

At the dentist’s office, you will be offered numbing injections of local anesthetic. It feels like a small pinch and then the entire area where the dentist is working becomes completely pain-free.

When the anesthetic wears off, the area may become sensitive for a short time. If you notice the pain continues for more than a few days, you are unable to comfortably eat or drink, or you have soreness and feel pain – call Gables Sedation Dentistry right away, to schedule a follow-up visit for continual care.
