How Sedation Dentistry Can Help You Overcome Dental Anxiety

Dental work is something many people put off because of anxiety. However, ignoring a problem rarely makes it go away and by delaying needed treatment you only harm yourself. What was a simple dental problem can, in time, become far more severe.

To avoid further damage to your teeth and gums, prompt treatment of existing dental health issues should be performed as soon as possible. If anxiety is keeping you from getting the help you need, sedation dentistry can be a useful solution.

Sedation Dentistry Defined

Sedation Dentistry is the use of various medicines and gases as anesthesia. Sedation Dentistry techniques can range from an altered (but still awake) state or full anesthesia. Mild sedation is commonly done using nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas. While nitrous oxide sedation leaves you still conscious, it puts you in a relaxed state. If you require a deeper level of sedation, nitrous oxide can be combined with other medicines. Depending on your needs and the type of dental procedure being performed, sedation can be modified as needed.

Why Use Sedation Treatment?

Sedation should not be looked at as something you can only use in extreme situations. It is a very useful tool and can be used in variety of ways to help you control anxiety while receiving dental treatment. As noted above, sedation can be very mild or very strong depending on your needs. There are many reasons for using it and here are some examples:

  • You just need to relax. Your anxiety may not be overly severe, but it can be enough to keep you from getting a needed dental procedure. Using nitrous oxide allows you to relax and keeps you in a good mood while dental work is done.
  • You know you wouldn’t be able to handle a procedure “as is” for any number of reasons. In these cases, using sedation dentistry allows you to have needed treatment performed.
  • You have a specific fear that causes you anxiety. For example, some people can’t stand needles. If a part of the procedure is causing you undue stress, then sedation can be the best way to approach it.
  • You are aware that your fears aren’t based on logical conclusions and are therefore irrational. Despite this knowledge, you know they continue to be an issue despite outside assistance and an understanding doctor.
  • You have mental health issues and sedation allows you to better control them.
  • You want to get your procedure done as quickly as possible and simply don’t have the time to work through your anxiety without medical assistance.
  • The procedure itself is complex or painful and you want to be relaxed while undergoing your treatment.
  • Lastly, your anxiety may be as such that you don’t want to be conscious at all. Strong sedation can put you completely under and make you utterly unaware of the procedure as it is ongoing.

Gables Sedation & Family Dentistry

When you need Sedation Dentistry as a part of your dental treatment program, you need to work with experts who understand your needs. Gables Sedation & Family Dentistry has been helping people just like you in the greater Miami area for many years. Contact us today with any questions you may have about dental procedures and sedation options.
