How to Stop & Reverse Tooth Decay?

How to Stop & Reverse Tooth Decay?

Taking good care of your teeth is essential for maintaining good health in general. Even though most of us know this, it is quite surprising how common tooth decay and cavities are in modern society. Therefore, it makes sense so many people wonder how to reverse tooth decay. But is it possible to stop and reverse tooth decay without having to constantly see your dentist for fillings and other dental work? The answer to that question is “YES!”

Let’s find out how to stop tooth decay and how you can save your teeth.


One of the most interesting discoveries in dentistry is how extensively your diet affects your dental health. Many of us know that ingesting sugar, caffeine, acidic fruits, wine and other processed foods can cause all sorts of different problems with your teeth. However, what most of us don’t know is that there are many foods that we don’t regularly eat in a first-world developed country that can prevent tooth decay and rebuild damage that has already been done.

Researchers have noted that people who eat a heavily processed Western diet (full of denatured and sweetened foods) have much worse dental development and health than communities that eat a more natural, primitive diet full of leafy green vegetables and high-quality, pasture-raised animal proteins. You might think the reason for this is that the lack of sugar and processed foods slow tooth decay considerably. This is true; however, the lack of the critical vitamins, minerals and nutrition in the Western diet makes the remineralization of your teeth slow considerably. Remineralization is a natural rebuilding process that your teeth go through to counteract the wear and tear they are subject to daily. Bringing this remineralization process back to its normal efficiency is how to reverse tooth decay. This can only be done by eating a more natural diet and making sure you get plenty of calcium, phosphorus, Vitamin D and other nutrients essential to growing your teeth back.

If you have any more questions about how to stop tooth decay, please contact us at Gables Sedation. Let’s help you get your dental health back on track!
