The Dangers of Using Dental Scraper at Home

The Dangers of Using Dental Scraper at Home

Dental scraper tools are used during professional deep cleanings and DIY dental scraping. Using dental scraping tools is one of the easiest ways to clean your mouth at home, but it could cause damage to your mouth, including cuts, poking, and tearing of your delicate gums.

Many people use dental scrapers at home however, you may not realize the dangers of using such sharp professional dental tools. Able to reach into the smallest spaces between your teeth and just under the gums, dental scraping tools provide a feeling of deep clean inside your mouth.

Used to improve your oral health, a dental scraper is NOT just for dentists, but you should always use with care when doing a DIY dental scrape. While it can be difficult to perform DIY oral cleaning, many people are using dental cleaning tools such as tartar scrapers to remove unwanted bacteria and harmful plaque. It is a delicate process to perform a dental deep cleaning and, so there are some dangers associated with using dental scraping tools.

What Are the Dangers of DIY Dental Scraping?

Using a dental scraper is just one way to remove plaque from your teeth, mouth and around the gumline. In an office, dental hygienists remove plaque and even hardened tartar from your mouth using a mirror to help them see how to use a dental scraper and avoid injuries.

They may also integrate other professional scraping tools and team members to avoid making painful errors during the cleaning. At home, a DIY dental scraping may easily cause damage to your sensitive teeth, gumline, and even delicate nerve tissue.

What is Plaque Scraping?

Plaque scraping is a common dental procedure used to remove hardened buildup on your teeth. Made of bacteria, plaque can be seen between the teeth, along the gumline, and over time if it is not removed, plaque may even seep into your body.

The easiest way to remove bacteria, and prevent plaque buildup is to maintain a daily dental care routine. Then, if you notice the filmy substance has started to harden in areas around your teeth, be sure to schedule a cleaning. You may also decide to use dental scraping tools to chip away hardened plaque, between teeth or over the surface area of your teeth. If you do not remove hardened plaque, it could cause bad breath, unsightly buildup, and other health concerns like gum disease and heart problems.

Other Ways to Remove Hardened Dental Plaque

It is simple to remove hardened plaque from areas of your mouth. However, it is recommended that you schedule a professional deep cleaning. Use these three ways to remove plaque buildup between deep cleanings:

1. Regular Brushing

Follow the daily recommendations of your dentist and never skip brushing your teeth. You will need to brush your teeth every day with a regular regimen. This is the best way to avoid plaque buildup for a healthy mouth.

2. Floss

In order to reach between your teeth, add a daily dental floss routine to your oral care. This prevents plaque buildup between spaces of your teeth.

3. Oil Pulling

Using antibacterial oils, like coconut oil, is an ancient method used to reduce plaque buildup. Try this technique during the week to reduce the risk of gum disease and leave your mouth fresh.

Scheduling a Deep Cleaning Appointment for Dental Scraping

You can perform a DIY dental scraper procedure at home with the proper dental cleaning tools but be beware of the dangers. If you need a deeper cleaning than you are prepared to do at home, call Gables Sedation to schedule an appointment.
