The Difference Between Deep Teeth Cleaning and Regular Cleaning

The Difference Between Deep Teeth Cleaning and Regular Cleaning

Most adults are aware of the importance of oral hygiene and regular check-ups at the dentist. Brushing your teeth and flossing regularly will prevent cavities and gum disease, but even if you think you keep your oral hygiene at a high level, you still need to visit your dentist every six months for a regular teeth cleaning procedure. Do you even know why it’s important to visit your dentist regularly?

By brushing your teeth every day, you remove excess food from your teeth but after a while, plaque can build up in the hard-to-reach places. During your regular check-up, your dentist will usually do regular teeth cleaning unless you’ve noticed issues with your gums as well. In that case, your dentist might recommend deep teeth cleaning.

If you’re wondering what is deep cleaning teeth, it’s a process where the dentist not only cleans the visible parts of your teeth but the roots as well. Bacteria, food, and plaque can build up in the pockets underneath your gums and quickly lead to cavities and even tooth loss if not treated. That’s why it’s important to have regular check-ups at your dentist who will see all the signs of gum disease and recommend an appointment because you can’t do deep cleaning teeth at home.

What Is Deep Teeth Cleaning and Does It Hurt?

The biggest misconception is that people think that they can do deep cleaning teeth at home when the truth is that only a dentist or dental hygienist can perform this procedure. Brushing your teeth for half an hour and flossing for the same amount of time isn’t considered deep teeth cleaning, although many think it is.

Deep cleaning teeth at home can’t be done because most of us don’t have the required tools and equipment. Deep cleaning is a specialized procedure that, if not done properly, can cause additional problems to your teeth and gums. That’s why it’s best not to even try and do deep teeth cleaning unless it’s at the dentist’s office.

The procedure includes detailed cleaning between your teeth and under your gums, all the way down to the roots. Even though it sounds painful, it’s not that bad. It may cause a certain amount of discomfort, but in most cases, the procedure is done under a local anesthetic so it shouldn’t feel painful at all. It usually takes two or three visits to the dentist for full treatment, depending on your specific case. You may need a follow-up after a few weeks so the dentist can check the healing process and results.

When it comes to regular teeth cleaning, it only covers the part of your teeth that’s visible and above the gum line. Deep cleaning is done in order to prevent different gum diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis.

Will Regular Teeth Cleaning Prevent Gum Disease and Plaque Build-Up?

Brushing your teeth and flossing regularly will help in preventing gum disease, but it’s not the only factor that affects this. Even if you never miss an appointment at your dentist and have regular teeth cleaning done every six months, it doesn’t mean you won’t get gingivitis or even periodontitis.

When it comes to teeth, there’s also the hereditary factor you need to consider. Using therapeutic mouthwash, fluoride toothpaste, brushing, and flossing regularly will improve your chances of avoiding gum disease, but there’s still a chance to get an infection, no matter how much you take care of your oral health.

The thing with a regular teeth cleaning procedure is that you only clean your teeth above the gum line. Even the beginning stages of gingivitis can create deep pockets in your gums which can lead to plaque and debris build-up that you won’t be able to see. If you notice blood when brushing your teeth or flossing, it’s time to give your dentist a call about having a deep clean of your teeth.

The Process of Deep Teeth Cleaning

Now that you know what is deep cleaning teeth, it’s time to go through the procedure step by step. It all starts with a consultation with your dentist who will assess the situation of your gums and teeth. There are two parts of deep teeth cleaning which include gum scaling and root planning. They’re usually done in two separate visits to the dentists’ office.

The gum scaling part includes the removal of plaque and tartar from beneath the gum line. This is the less uncomfortable part of the deep cleaning procedure because the instruments don’t penetrate the gums as much. Depending on when was the last time you had your teeth deep cleaned and the state of your teeth, it can be a pretty simple and straightforward process.

The second part of the procedure includes root planning which is the cleaning and smoothing out the root of a tooth. This part can get pretty uncomfortable, but with local anesthetics, you shouldn’t be in any pain. This part of the procedure requires the dentist or dental hygienist to use a special scaling instrument to clean plaque and tartar from the roots of your teeth, which is one more reason why you can’t do deep cleaning teeth at home.

Once the process is done, you can experience higher sensitivity for a couple of weeks, but it goes away pretty quickly. You’ll need to keep your oral hygiene at a high level during the recovery time to make sure your teeth and gums heal properly.

How to Avoid Going to the Dentist for Either Type of Cleaning?

If you experience any symptoms, notice blood, or constantly have bad breath, no matter how clean you keep your mouth, you’re going to need to visit your dentist. The best thing you can do is to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. By doing this, you’ll keep plaque build-up to a minimum, and you won’t need to do any type of professional cleaning so often.

If you’re in Miami and you’re experiencing any symptoms that are caused by gum disease, you should schedule an appointment with professionals such as Gables Sedation & Family Dentistry who will assess the situation, and give you a recommendation based on your case. Of course, regular visits are implied every six months. Having a trustworthy dentist who knows your history of previous work can significantly help in preventing future gum diseases and illnesses.

Have you ever had your teeth deep cleaned? Do you know anyone who suffered from gingivitis or periodontitis? Share this article on social media if you think it would be helpful for someone you know and leave us a comment!
