The Importance of Brushing Teeth After Eating Halloween Candy

The Importance of Brushing Teeth After Eating Halloween Candy

The candy frenzy during Halloween is bound to make any parent cringe, thinking about the damage that eating copious amounts of refined sugars can do to their kids’ teeth. Refraining from sweet treats that tend to linger in the mouth such as taffy and hard candies can help, as can sugar-free candy. Ultimately, candy abstinence, is your best bet, but at Gables Sedation & Family Dentistry, we understand that’s unlikely!

Brushing teeth properly is an important way of safeguarding your kids’ teeth if your family is going to indulge in candy. Here’s a look at what happens inside the mouth when you eat candy, as well as what you can do to protect your kids’ teeth from damage.

How Cavities Form

Knowing how cavities are formed can help you reverse possible damage to your kids’ teeth. When candy is consumed, bacteria in your mouth interact with the sugars to form an acid. This acid may lead to demineralization, which weakens tooth enamel. The enamel in its weakened state may chip and is more prone to cavities.

What You Can Do to Preserve Your Teeth

Good oral hygiene plays a vital role in the preservation of your teeth. Brushing teeth in an effective and timely manner is crucial after a candy binge. You should wait at least 30 minutes after consuming candy before brushing teeth, as brushing immediately may lead to enamel erosion. One you’ve finished eating, simply rinse your teeth with some water. Brushing teeth twice daily is usually the requirement for good oral hygiene, but in instances where you’ll be consuming large doses of sweets, brushing teeth 20 minutes after each indulgence would be ideal.

Remember that daily flossing goes hand in hand with teeth brushing for great oral hygiene. Flossing is beneficial as it will help remove any acid-causing food particles from between the teeth.

Brushing Your Teeth in an Effective Way

Brushing teeth with fluoridated toothpaste after eating sugary foods is ideal and don’t skimp on your brushing time. Try brushing for at least two minutes to make sure you eradicate all potentially harmful food particles. Always use soft, short strokes, as brushing too hard may damage the surface of your teeth.
