Which Toothpaste is the Best?

Which Toothpaste is the Best?

Have you ever found yourself looking at all the toothpaste boxes on a store shelf and wondering what to buy? Choosing a new paste can be tricky, and every brand seems to advertise their products as the best solution. In reality, all you want is a fresh breath, a healthy white teeth and to avoid cavities.

To avoid being blind sighted by clever marketing or pretty packaging, arm yourself with knowledge. Of course, specific brands will claim to offer various benefits, and this can be confusing, which is why understanding ingredients can help you make a decision. However, when it comes to selecting the right toothpaste, it is vital that you consider your own unique oral health needs as well.

Here are a few types of dentist recommended options that can help you decide on the kind of toothpaste that is best for you and your family.

Fluoride Toothpastes

The most vital ingredient to look out for when selecting toothpaste is fluoride. This naturally occurring mineral is instrumental in preventing tooth decay in people of all ages and has been used to fight cavities for the past fifty years. Fluoride not only works to protect the tooth enamel from the acid that is released by the bacteria in the mouth but also re-mineralizes teeth along the root surface

Using fluoride toothpaste can also benefit people who are taking prescriptions that dry their mouth or have health conditions, which make them more susceptible to tooth decay. When shopping for toothpaste, ensure that the product is ADA approved with at least 1,000 parts per million of fluoride.

Tartar Control Toothpastes

Most people develop a layer of bacteria on their teeth called plaque. If plaque is not removed quickly by brushing or flossing, it hardens into tartar. This difficult to clean layer can build up on your teeth and under the gums, eventually causing gum disease.

There are numerous tartar control toothpastes, most of which contain fluoride and a variety of cavity-busting chemical ingredients including pyrophosphates, and zinc citrate. In addition, some of these toothpastes contain anti-plaque agents and antibiotics, such as triclosan, that kills and controls bacteria in the mouth.

While regular brushing can help reduce accumulation of tartar, it is important to visit the dentist twice a year for a thorough cleaning.

Sensitive Toothpaste

We have all heard of commercials promoting a certain brand of toothpaste that helps in sensitivity. However, the best thing to do if you are suffering from tooth sensitivity is to speak to your Coral Gables dentist first to make sure there are no underlying issues.

If your teeth’s sensitivity is a result of root sensitivity or dentinal hypersensitivity, sensitive toothpaste should work for you. According to the ADA, a good sensitivity toothpaste should contain at least five percent Potassium Nitrate as the active ingredient. This ingredient works by blocking dentinal tubules that lead to your nerve tissue. When hot or cold sensations stimulate these tubules, they elicit a discomfort. Sensitivity toothpaste helps counteract this effect.

Teeth Whitening

Whitening products saturate a large portion of the oral care market; but are these toothpaste really right for you? Unlike the dentist’s whitening gel, whitening toothpaste does not contain bleach. Instead, it contains abrasives that bind to stains, pulling them off the tooth’s surface.

Whitening toothpastes are just as safe as other toothpastes. But since there are countless products in the market, it’s paramount that talk to your Coral Gables dentist to decide on which one’s best for you.
