Wisdom Teeth: Why They Are Taken Out?

Wisdom Teeth: Why They Are Taken Out?

Why are they called wisdom teeth in the first place? Essentially, these teeth are the third molars that are the last four teeth people usually develop. In most cases, wisdom teeth come in when we’re in our early twenties or late teens. Their name also stems from the late eruption, suspecting that we are “wiser” when they come in.

Still, for most people, the process of wisdom teeth coming in poses a few problems. For starters, most patients have modern diets and have way too small and narrow jaws to accommodate these molars when they erupt. This often leads to pain and gum swelling.

Luckily, a simple extraction process may solve these problems. As such, if you are looking for wisdom teeth removal in Miami, you can always feel free to give us a call.

However, before then, learn more about where are your wisdom teeth, healthy wisdom teeth tooth holes, and other things that may cause problems or complications while they come in.

Where Are Your Wisdom Teeth Located?

You can feel wisdom teeth coming in in the back area of your mouth, being the two furthest teeth at the bottom and the top of the mouth.

Why Are They Removed?

While wisdom teeth are coming in, they can cause pain and discomfort. However, this isn’t the rule. There are plenty of people out there who didn’t have their wisdom teeth removed. Fortunately, their teeth are positioned correctly in their mouth, and their wisdom tooth causes no problems (or only little discomfort) when coming in.

Still, most people may have to undergo a simple extraction to avoid complications from erupting wisdom teeth. When these teeth erupt only partially (also referred to as impaction), they can lead to severe pain, gum swelling, and even infection. As a matter of fact, in older days, before medicine used antibiotics, wisdom teeth infections could become severe problems and may even cause such swelling that they blocked the airway.

When wisdom tooth problems are established, your dentist will most probably advise you to have a simple extraction performed. This is because they might also lead to

  • Tooth decay
  • Pressure pain
  • Infections of the gums
  • Prosthetic or orthodontic reasons
  • To avoid cyst formation


When is a Simple Extraction Necessary?

When wisdom teeth are coming in and they cause some discomfort, you shouldn’t jump to conclusions all at once. All patients are unique. Your jaw size and the current state of your teeth are all factors that may influence whether you will need to get your wisdom teeth removed or not.

Visiting your dentist and getting a complete evaluation is your best bet. Your dentist will evaluate and assess your case by:

  • Thoroughly reviewing your dental history
  • Taking a set of x-rays of your jaw and teeth
  • Examining the condition of your wisdom teeth and the overall health of your mouth

If your dentist determines that potential issues may occur with your wisdom teeth, they may recommend a simple extraction procedure. On that end, many dentists will advise early wisdom teeth removal in order to avoid any further complications and pan down the road.

What if I’m Wearing Braces?

When wisdom teeth are coming in, it’s normal for people to feel a bit uneasy, especially if they are wearing braces. Many wonder whether wearing braces automatically means needing to get their wisdom teeth removed.

Fortunately, wearing braces does not mean that wisdom teeth extraction is inevitable. Still, removal should be at least taken into consideration, especially if the eruption process causes pain.

Also, even when patients see a healthy wisdom tooth hole and see the tooth coming in, they fear that the erupting wisdom tooth will cause teeth misalignments. So far, the available scientific data suggests that wisdom teeth simply don’t have the pressure to cause misalignments.

Wisdom Teeth Removal – How it’s Done?

If your dental experts recommend extraction in order to avoid further complications and issues, they will still perform the procedure using a variety of methods, depending on the degree of eruption and the angulation of the tooth.

Depending on these factors, your dentist might perform a simple extraction using local anesthetics or may perform more delicate oral surgery to address the issue.

That being said, when wisdom teeth are coming in, the angulation and the degree of impaction may make the surgery more complicated. In some cases, the surgeon may have to take out the tooth in several pieces to get the removal done.

What Can You Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

After getting your wisdom teeth extracted, your dentist will most probably advise eating protein-rich soft foods for the following seven days or so. Cottage cheese, apple sauce, fruit smoothies, and even ice cream can be great options, especially the sauce and the smoothies, as they are also high in vitamins.

You can also opt for foods that are easy to chew, like soups, porridge, scrambled eggs, or mashed potatoes.

Depending on the anesthetic used during the procedure, your mouth may remain reasonably numb for a short time. During this time, try to avoid hot drinks or food. You might be more prone to bite your tongue as well, along with your cheek and lips while the anesthetic lasts.

Lastly, you might need to avoid spicy foods for a while as well as they are known to increase irritation and might even hinder the healing process. Hard, sticky, sharp, and crunchy foods in the first seven days should also be avoided.


Recovery from wisdom teeth extraction may take several days, depending on the complexity of the surgery. There are some cases when patients will experience discomfort and swelling in the following week or even more.

In these instances, patients are encouraged to use ice packs and to keep eating soft foods to enable the surgery site to heal properly. Salt-water rinses are also highly advised to keep the area clean.

Lastly, if you feel any unusual symptoms after wisdom teeth extraction, symptoms such as severe pain, pus discharge, and fever, reach out to your oral surgeon or dentist as quickly as you can.


Visit Your Dentist

Wisdom teeth growth is an inevitable process, and for some, it won’t cause any problems in their daily life. For others, wisdom teeth can cause a lot of discomfort.

Even when wisdom teeth do cause some pain, an extraction might not be necessary. Only a dental expert can establish whether the tooth needs to be removed to avoid further pain and more severe dental complications.

As such, if you are also experiencing discomfort while your wisdom teeth are coming in, feel free to schedule a consultation with our dental experts. With their help, you will be able to determine the best course of action that may help you overcome these mild issues before they turn into more serious dental problems.
